Linking Static Linux Libraries in Rust
I had a hell of a time getting this to work. Here's how I did it. Let's write a small library in C++. // mysum.h #ifdef __cplusplus // extern "C"…
I had a hell of a time getting this to work. Here's how I did it. Let's write a small library in C++. // mysum.h #ifdef __cplusplus // extern "C"…
Once we've coded, uploaded, and tested our Lambda function from within the AWS Lambda environment, it's time to take our tests external. For this, we'll need to install the AWS…
In the previous section of this tutorial, we set up a WSL build environment in Windows for Rust, adapted code, and compiled + packaged a binary ready for upload to…
Let it be known that the existing tutorials are all poor and lack thoroughness. They're fine if you already have experience cross-compiling Rust AND working with AWS Lambda. I intend…
A compilation-ready source for this article can be found here. I designed a struct in Rust which contains various bits of file information. Presented here is a stripped down version…
A compilation-ready source for this article can be found here. In Rust, it's fairly straightforward to obtain the path of the running executable, any string passed to the executable, and…